World Water Day: supporting the development of sobriety

Published on 03/14/24

Limiting abstraction, reducing consumption, combating network leakage, etc. OiEau promotes technologies and services that make it possible to reconcile high-performance human activities with resource conservation.

REUSE, a fundamental trend for manufacturers

At a time when drought is increasingly threatening economic activities, OiEau is involved in the ZEUS project (Zéro Rejet Liquide dans l'industrie agroalimentaire). The aim is to demonstrate the technical and economic feasibility of a total recycling solution for water and dissolved compounds at the MONIN syrup factory in Bourges.

Support for energy-efficient treatment processes

The treatment sectors (drinking water, wastewater treatment, waste) are faced with rising energy costs and the need to decarbonate.

OiEau helps operators to find solutions that are adapted to the local context, both in terms of increasing the skills of their teams (for example, in the operation of a waste-to-energy plant), and through technical support.

For Limoges Métropole, for example, OiEau is responsible for communication on the renovation and modernisation of the town's main wastewater treatment plant, particularly in terms of energy, with a more energy-efficient process and the recovery of the biogas produced.

Network leaks, a source of waste to be controlled

Several of the courses offered by the OiEau Training Centre are dedicated to the installation and maintenance of water network infrastructures.
The use of teaching platforms, the only ones of their kind in Europe, enables trainees to acquire the skills needed to ensure that networks are watertight, well-designed and durable.

Key figure: reuse of treated wastewater in mainland France

Every week in 2023, OiEau invites Internet users to take a closer look at an environmental issue based on key figures. These figures, produced by our "Information and Knowledge" Unit, provide a concrete illustration of one of the values advocated by our association, which is recognised as being in the public interest and has "Environmental Protection" accreditation: working to produce and share knowledge, an essential tool for better water management.

One example is REUT in mainland France. Water scarcity is a problem that can be observed on every continent, and the reuse of treated wastewater (REUT) is at the heart of tried and tested solutions for dealing with it.
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