Governance bodies
As a non-profit association under French law recognised as a public utility, the International Office for Water must meet certain requirements, including a duty of transparency towards the French state – in our organisation, our practices and our financial situation.
OiEau is therefore managed by three governance bodies, which oversee the day-to-day running of the association: the Management Board, the Bureau and the General Assembly. The association is administered by a board of members. These members are nominated by their respective colleges and approved by decision of the General Assembly.
OiEau has four locations in France: Its head office is located in Paris and the Technical and Institutional Support – Cooperation Department is based in Sophia Antipolis.
The Limoges site hosts the General Secretariat (HR, Finance, Management Control, Quality, Safety, Environment and Legal Departments) and the Training & Educational Engineering, Data – Knowledge development & Information Systems, and Sales, Marketing & Communication Departments.
Our Training Centre, which features 45,000 m2 of teaching platforms, is spread across two sites: Limoges and La Souterraine.
Management Board
The Management Board has 24 Members divided into different categories: statutory members (leading public entities in the water and biodiversity sector, such as water agencies and local authorities), economic stakeholders involved in water resource management or use, international organisations, associations and French public operators with powers and responsibilities for biodiversity and water resource management. Representatives of French ministries (Foreign and European Affairs, Agriculture, Foreign Trade, Ecological Transition, Industry and Health) may also attend meetings of the Management Board.
The Management Board meets at least once every six months and whenever convened by its chair or at the request of a quarter of its members.
Statutory Members
- Adour-Garonne Water Agency – Ms Elodie Galko
- French overseas water authorities - to be confirmed
- Limoges Métropole – Mr Philippe Janicot
- Rhone Mediterranee Corse Basin Commitees and water and Biodiversity Committees – Mr André Viola
- Sophia Antipolis Urban Community – Mr Joseph Cesaro
Founding Members, full Members and associate Members
College 1: Economic stakeholders involved in the management or use of water resources and aquatic environments
- Suez – Mr Philippe Folliasson
- Saint-Gobain PAM – Mr Arnaud Treguer
- Saur – Ms Audrey Hippert
- Veolia Eau – Mr Patrick Faisques
- Société du Canal de Provence – Mr Jean-Marc Philip
- Société des Eaux de Marseille – Mr Lionel Ercolei
- Egis Eau – Mr Xavier Lazennec
- Sogea Environnement – Ms Aline MERCK
College 2: Public or private international bodies headquartered outside France or holding official status as an international organisation.
- OSS – Mr Nabil Ben Khatra
- CEDEX – Ms Milagros Couchoud
College 3: Associations of local authorities or elected representatives, technical or professional associations, or national or regional associations located in France and active in the field of water, aquatic environments, biodiversity, the environment and the circular economy.
- ANEB – Mr François Abbou
- Citepa – Jérôme Boutang
- Astee – Mr Guy Fradin
- Water Academy – Ms Monica Cardillo
- FNCCR – Mr Hervé Paul
- pS-Eau – Mr Christophe Le Jalle
College 4: French public operators with powers and responsibilities for biodiversity, water resource management or marine environments, active in research, teaching, international cooperation or development.
- Cerema – Mr Pascal Berteaud
- BRGM – Mr Alain Dupuy
General Assembly
The association’s General Assembly meets once a year and whenever convened by the Management Board or at the request of one quarter of its members.
The General Assembly commissions a statutory auditor to audit OiEau’s annual financial statements. The auditor ensures that the association’s annual financial statements are prepared and presented in accordance with French accounting rules and principles, that they are regular and sincere, and that they give a true and fair view of the result of transactions for the financial year in question and of the association’s financial situation and assets at the end of each financial year.

Mr Pascal Bertaud
The President of OiEau is Mr Pascal Berteaud, Director General of Cerema.
PRESIDENT : Mr Pascal Berteaud – President of OiEau – Director General of Cerema
FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT : Mr Philippe Folliasson– General Delegate of Aquassistance – Suez
SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT : Mr Guillaume Choisy – Director General – Adour-Garonne Water Agency
SECRETARY : Mr Jean-Marc Philip – Director of Sales – Société du Canal de Provence
VICE-SECRETARY : Mr Nabil Ben Khatra – Executive Secretary – Sahara and Sahel Observatory
TREASURER : Mr Arnaud Treguer – Director of External Relations – Saint-Gobain PAM
VICE-TREASURER : Mr Philippe Janicot – Vice-President, Water Cycle, Rainwater Management, Sanitation and Quality – Limoges Métropole
Mr Henri Torre – Former President of OiEau, Former Minister, Honorary Senator
Mr Pierre Roussel – Former President of OiEau

General Director
Mr Eric Tardieu
The Director General, Mr Eric Tardieu, was appointed by the Management Board on 1 July 2017.