The French Water Information System (WIS) is a mechanism created by the French state for sharing and making available public-sector water data. The WIS contains data on water resources, aquatic environments and their uses, and on public water and sanitation services, covering mainland France and its overseas departments.

The National Framework for Water Data (SNDE) sets out the objectives, scope and governance arrangements for the WIS (as enshrined in the order of 27 May 2021 amending the order of 19 October 2018 approving the national framework for data on water, aquatic environments and public water and sanitation services, and article R.131-34 of the French Environmental Code).

The SNDE is supported by a number of technical mechanisms including the French National Service for Water Data and Common Repositories Management (SANDRE), which is tasked with developing and making available the water data repository for the WIS and related information systems. The SANDRE repository is based on ISO 9001-certified quality management processes and is managed by the French Office for Biodiversity (OFB) with the support of the SANDRE Technical Secretariat, which has been entrusted to OiEau since its inception.

253 320


identified in 2021 in metropolitan France and DROM

31 037

water places

identified in 2021 in metropolitan France and DROM

What is SANDRE?

Discover the Water Information System for which OiEau has provided the Technical Secretariat since its inception in 1992

See the video (in french)

Hear from Florine Leveugle

Florine Leveugle, is SANDRE Quality and Monitoring Officer at OiEau

See the interview (in french)

Few examples of projects

Management of the French National Service for Water Data and Common Repositories Management (SANDRE)
EUROPE - France
January 1993
French Biodiversity Agency (OFB)
Discover the project
Reinforcing water information systems for the Chu-Talas river basins
ASIA - Kyrghyzstan, Kazakhstan - Chu-Talas river
December 2016
Discover the project
BIO - PLATEAUX - Phase 1
LATIN AMERICA & THE CARIBBEAN - Brazil, Suriname, France - The Maroni and Oyapock catchment basins
July 2019 - April 2022
Guyana Water Office, DEAL, CNES, CTG
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RICARDO Sludge - Provision of services in waste water and the circular economy
EUROPE - Territory covered by the European Environment Agency (32 member countries)
July 2020
European Environment Agency
Discover the project