Support tools
For more than 40 years, OiEau has been supporting the continuing and initial vocational training programmes of its customers and partners (local authorities, industrial companies, etc.) in France and worldwide.
OiEau’s diverse teaching methods

OiEau constantly seeks to enhance and diversify its teaching methods in order to deliver an effective service that aligns with your priorities.
OiEau can:
- Help you design and deploy training programmes (curricula) tailored to your target professions, including roles where resources are in short supply
- Advise on training programmes when recruiting your trainers (trainers’ job descriptions and skills, selection and assessment criteria, participation in interviews, etc.)
- Train (your) trainers in the technical and educational content of the courses and in working on teaching platforms (putting trainers in real-life work situations, devising practical work protocols, interactive learning, etc.) at its Training Centre and/or on your premises.
- Assist with the design and production of digital and distance-learning modules using a variety of media: LMS learning platforms, webinars, distance learning, self-learning modules, multimedia tools for in-person and distance learning, educational videos, infrastructure and equipment simulation tools, virtual tours, serious games, augmented reality and more.
We have been using OiEau's training courses for many years. We have always been very satisfied. We therefore have full confidence in OiEau's ability to carry out this strategic training programme for our staff.