An operator of water and sanitation utilities

Drinking water and sanitation represent major health issues that entail significant needs, in terms of knowledge, training and organisation, for regulatory institutions or public and private managers.

Often referred to as the "small water cycle" or "domestic water cycle", your activities most often fall under the notion of public service and competences exercised, for example in France, by local authorities.

Through its 4 fields of expertise, OiEau is very often mobilized by the operators, to help them in their strategic and operational decisions for all the stages of your mission (abstraction, potabilization, supply and distribution of drinking water to the tap and collective distribution points, collection of wastewater from uses, treatment, up to discharge into the natural environment).

We support all types of profiles, your technical staff, your engineers, and your managers, on many issues, including training, through short, medium or long-term actions.

These projects, which have been carried out for decades with some 250,000 people, have already made it possible to irrigate the entire operating sector in France and throughout the world.

Challenges to which OiEau brings you solutions

Training & Skills

  • Development of a tool for assessing skills, activities and professions.
  • Training of teams to optimise service quality: choice of methods or themes.
  • Assistance in setting up a training plan.
  • Support for Human Resources Managers in setting up framework agreements or long-term partnerships.

Technical and institutional support

  • Project management assistance (AMO) on tools (GIS - Remote Management).
  • Technical expertise on installations.
  • Diagnosis and reactivation of facilities by agents.
  • Support for the optimisation and improvement of the service provided.
  • Advice and assistance on financial aspects.

Data - Knowledge - Information systems

  • Data dissemination tool and simulation indicators: Decision Support Information System.
  • Scientific, technical and regulatory monitoring.
  • Assistance in structuring reports and implementing new information or customer management systems.
  • Access to information, via documentary services.

Animation of networks of stakeholders

  • Access to the OiEau exchange networks, a valuable resource for the dissemination of knowledge, information sharing and innovation.

Looking for a training?
Access our dedicated section (in French)

With more than 350 training courses, OiEau trains more than 6,000 people of all levels (workers, technicians, managers) per year.

To know more

Examples of projects

Assistance to users of MesureStep and AutoStep
EUROPE - France
Since january 2007
French Biodiversity Agency (OFB) , Ministry of Ecological Transition
Discover the project
Eau dans la Ville - Water in the City
EUROPE - France
January 2003 - December 2023
Elected representatives, local authorities and water and sewage departments
Discover the project
AquaVeille - The e-letter dedicated to water sector news
January 2007
Enterprises in the water and environmental sectors, consultancies, public administrations, technical departments at public bodies
Discover the project