Document management solutions

Demand for good environmental data management continues to grow, especially because of the exponential increase in data and their potential reuse through online tools.

Data are present in sources including scientific and technical documentation (video tutorials, public-facing articles, scientific articles, summaries, technical reports, etc.). However, these data are varied and unstructured, which makes them difficult to analyse, while there is a growing need for documentation and research to be organised so that synaptic links between pieces of information in different locations can be extracted and exploited. Access to knowledge – with appropriate document management solutions – is a central part of every organisation’s strategy.

Once documentation is properly managed within an information system, it can then be exploited – as long as the organisation in question employs the best practices and specific information technologies that OiEau has been developing since its inception. OiEau therefore produces interoperable document management solutions for the effective management of water and environmental data in France, in Europe and worldwide, potentially incorporating tools and search engines and using open-source solutions. OiEau takes a long-term approach, aiming to ensure that the tools implemented are sustainable. With this aim in mind, OiEau’s teams can lead user groups, transfer user skills and maintain the solutions it implements.

Few examples of projects

The "Eau & Biodiversité" (Water & Biodiversity) documentation portal
EUROPE - France
June 2006
General public, water stakeholders and practitioners
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Eau dans la Ville - Water in the City
EUROPE - France
January 2003 - December 2023
Elected representatives, local authorities and water and sewage departments
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EdiCitNet (Edible Cities Network)
WORLD - Tunisia, Togo, Cuba, Germany, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Austria, Norway, Slovenia, China, Taiwan
September 2018 - August 2023
European Union
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