Our networks

Through its facilitation and coordination activities for networks of water and biodiversity stakeholders in France and worldwide, OiEau contributes to the sustainable management of water and ecosystems.

Our activities revolve around three major areas:

  • facilitating thematic working groups and seminars,
  •  supporting the sharing of feedback,
  • providing resources.

By adapting its approach to the variety of local, regional, national and transboundary contexts in which these stakeholders operate, OiEau supports them by bringing them together, providing them with access to data, and fostering the pooling of knowledge, skills and tools.

In this way, OiEau helps to ensure that the priorities of the professional community and users are heard. It is involved in coordinating various programmes, by developing and showcasing knowledge and information and disseminating the results to stakeholders.

OiEau handles a wide variety of themes such as aquatic environments, IWRM at the basin level, SAGEs and environmental contracts, shellfish farming, documentation and information centres, training in water-related occupations, and more.

INBO’s regular online and in-person events attract participants with a wide variety of profiles from different geographic regions and the simultaneous interpretation into French, English and Spanish overcomes the language barrier. The events offer a unique opportunity for water management specialists to discuss their experiences and improve the different facets of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) at river basin level, such as planning, governance, knowledge and funding. Above all, they are an opportunity to address the challenges of adapting to climate change and preserving biodiversity.
Dr Amara

President, International Network Basin Organizations (INBO)

Networks in France

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International networks

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