By their side
OiEau has been a recognised name in the international water community for more than 30 years. It is regularly invited to take part in recurring forums and meetings for bodies operating at all levels, from local to international.
Within bodies such as boards of directors and bureaux, management, steering and evaluation committees, networks of international correspondents, working groups, writing committees, and entities organising national studies, public surveys and inter-laboratory tests, OiEau members share their insights and hands-on expertise, contributing to debates and discussions on a wide variety of themes (aquatic biodiversity, Nature-Based Solutions (NBS), integrated water resources management (IWRM), waste, the water transition, plastics, health, catchment, spatial hydrology, analysis and abstraction standards, water-sector occupations, user relations, biogas, climate change and more.
For instance, OiEau is represented on the boards of directors of the French Water Partnership (PFE), the Water Solidarity Programme (pS-Eau), the International Secretariat for Water (ISW), the Mediterranean Water Institute (IME), the Scientific and Technical Association for Water and the Environment (Astee, France) and the Nouvelle Aquitaine Regional Biodiversity Agency (France).
In addition, OiEau participates in working groups for the French Ministry for Ecological Transition and Regional Cohesion, the French Office for Biodiversity (OFB), the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the MedWet Scientific and Technical Network, the Geneva Hub and Astee.
OiEau is also a member of steering groups for the French Ministry of Health and the French National Institute for Oceanic Science (Ifremer).
Our association also serves as an independent expert for the European Innovation Council and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Executive Agency (EISMEA). It also provides instruction on the Master’s in Environmental Law at the University of Limoges and is part of the network of correspondents for the BRGM, Cerema, CEDRE, INRAE and Ademe.
In line with its values centred on the general interest, OiEau has made the facilitation of stakeholder networks a core part of its expertise, helping to foster better sharing and enrichment of information and experience between water-sector stakeholders.