- Climate change
- Water, urban planning and sustainable development
- Hydromorphology
- Nature-Based Solutions (NBS)
NATALIE - Accelerating and mainstreaming transformative NATure-bAsed solutions to enhance resiLIEence to climate change for diverse bio-geographical European regions

The project in brief
NATALIE addresses the risks posed by climate change and its impacts and proposes to advance the concepts of "ecosystem-based adaptation" in Europe, combined with climate-resilient development pathways, as a means for impactful nature-based solutions (NBS) to accelerate and mainstream the adoption of NBS for climate change resilience, which is also the cornerstone identified in the recent IPCC AR6 Working Group report.
NATALIE will provide practical innovations in solution co-creation and stakeholder engagement, modelling, testing, monitoring and validation mechanisms that will help regions and municipalities to plan and develop adaptation measures by providing valuable knowledge and experience as actionable knowledge for adaptation and impact-driven NBS.
18 NBS measures will be demonstrated in 8 case studies, in different biogeographical regions of Europe in Greece, Romania, Latvia, Canary Islands, Belgium (Flanders), France, Norway and Italy (Veneto region), as well as in five follower regions (Iceland, Balearic Islands, Romania, France and Lithuania).
OiEau's missions
- Project coordination
- Communication & dissemination
- Policy recommendations
- Solutions catalogue