Webconference - Drought and water resources: short and long term action

Event details:

From Thu 01/19/23 to Thu 01/19/23


De 10h30 à 12h15 (heure de Paris)

OiEau and the OFB's Watercourses resource centre invite you to come and discuss the management of water resources in the context of drought on different time scales, based on the testimonies of several actors working on this issue.

Programme prévisionnel

  • Quantitative management of water resources in the Vienne basin - EPTB Vienne
    • Better understanding of monitoring and decision-making systems in a drought context - OFB Centre-Val-de-Loire
    • Monitoring and managing water resources in the face of drought - Fédération de pêche du Jura


This event is aimed at managers and technicians of local or basin authorities.

It may also be of interest to elected officials, agents of decentralised State services and water agencies, associations, research structures, etc.
Read more (in french)