Incubation of a support project for the emergence of adaptation projects and the development of IWRM mechanisms in the Dallol Maouri pilot basin (Niger)

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AFRICA - Niger - Dallol Maouri basin
November 2020 - Novembre 2022
Partner(s) or Client(s) : SP PANGIRE Niger

The project in brief

The incubation aims to preserve the environment and develop adaptation to climate change in the Dallol Maouri pilot basin through conservation and restoration of the natural environment, including a pilot action plan for the resilience of the populations. It is part of the component 3 "Preservation of the environment and development of resilience to climate change" of the PANGIRE Niger (National Action Plan for Integrated Water Resources Management), applied to the Dallol Maouri pilot sub-basin, by addressing the following actions :

  • Set up of a pilot action plan for the resilience of populations to climate change,
  • Protection of koris and development of ponds,
  • Water and Soil Conservation / Soil Defence and Restoration action plan for sustainable management of natural resources.

OiEau's missions

  • Carrying out an inventory of existing information on the impacts of climate change on water resources and uses,
  • Identify local project leaders and set up water and climate adaptation projects,
  • Production of a "bankable" project sheet, to be presented to donors.