IWRM support on the Stung Sen - Cycle 2 Phase 1
Cambodia - Tonle Sap watershed, Stung Sen sub-basin
June 2022 - December 2023
Partner(s) or Client(s) : Loire-Bretagne Water Agency; Rhin-Meuse Water Agency; Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology (MOWRAM); Tonle Sap Authority (TSA)
The project in brief
This phase, which marks the start of a new IWRM cycle, is organised around the following components:
- Institutional support for the implementation of IWRM with specific training, experience sharing marked by the writing of a book on the IWRM experience in the Stung Sen basin and dissemination at national level; Strengthening governance in the Stung Sen basin with the renewal of the members of the Basin Committee and technical and financial support for the operation of the Committee and its working groups;
- Supporting water resource planning by updating technical documents and facilitating the updating of the basin action plan;
- Facilitating links with decentralised cooperation in the basin to promote projects to provide access to drinking water in priority areas of the basin.
OiEau's missions
Institutional support for IWRM implementation:
- Organisation of specific training courses in France and Cambodia,
- Support for the writing of a book on the IWRM experience in the Stung Sen basin,
- Dissemination at national level in conjunction with MOWRAM members involved in the WAT4CAM project.
Strengthening governance in the Stung Sen basin:
- Organisation of the General Assembly of the Stung Sen Basin Committee for the renewal of its members,
- Organisation and running of meetings of the Stung Sen Steering Committee and thematic working groups,
- Technical and financial support for the operation of the Committee and its working groups,
- Support for water resource planning.
Updating technical planning documents:
- Distribution of planning documents to local stakeholders,
Facilitating links with decentralised cooperation in the basin:
- Supporting the activities of French decentralised cooperation on drinking water, Additional field surveys on access to drinking water in the basin,
- Support for the preparation of a drinking water master plan with the dedicated working group.