DYNOBA - Boosting African Transboundary Basin Organisations for improved water resource management in the context of climate change

Burkina Faso, Niger, Uganda, Senegal, Chad
January 2023 - December 2025
Partner(s) or Client(s) : Agence française de développement AFD; Réseau Africain des Organismes de Bassin RAOB; IRD; CNES
The project in brief
The aim of the project is to support the management of transboundary waters in Africa in order to strengthen regional integration and development, through
- building the capacities of the Transboundary Basin Organisations (TBOs) concerned, in the 4 pillars of Integrated Water Resources Management (governance, planning, financing, information systems),
- and promote the sharing of experience.
OiEau's missions
- Operator: project management, coordination of partners, recruitment of service providers,
- Technical assistance to cross-border river basin organisations (OBT).