Eau TV, des Elus, des Rivières, a french channel for elected officials in charge of aquatic environments and flood prevention management, organised a webconference (only in french) on the theme "Water policy in France: what context and what future?" on 15 November.

Mr Molossi and Mr Forel, from ANEB (National Association of Basin Elected Officials), Mr Burlot from Cercle de l'Eau Français and Mr Fribourg-Blanc from the International Office for Water, thus discussed the way in which water policy has been built and structured in France over the decades.

How have laws allowed principles to emerge? How have actors with complementary roles been established? How have water management issues evolved over time, depending on the context?

What answers are given to today's challenges and how are the answers to tomorrow's challenges being prepared?

Replay Eau TV webconference (in french)

Water policy in France: what context and what future?