ProsperEau: a decision-making tool for local authorities

Published on 12/20/24

Climate change is exacerbating water-related risks such as flooding, drought, pollution and the collapse of biodiversity. Freshwater is becoming a source of concern, particularly in view of the risks of shortages and conflicts of use.

The transfer of responsibility for water, sanitation and rainwater management means that French local authorities need to strengthen their strategy, as well as their operational and structural capacities, to meet these challenges. To help elected representatives and water and wastewater services make informed decisions, OiEau has developed Propsereau, a financial analysis and forecasting tool.

For more than 30 years, the Office International de l'Eau (OiEau), an association recognised  of public utility and approved as an ‘Environmental Protection’ body, has been helping local authorities to organise efficient and sustainable water management.

The Water Plan, the implementation of the European Water Directive, the Water Health Safety Management Plans (PGSSE), the Management of Aquatic Environments and Flood Prevention (GEMAPI) and the use of SFNs require the implementation of numerous projects and works to meet the obligations of local authorities.

Before taking the plunge, local authorities are faced with a host of questions about the choices to be made.

How can they make the right strategic and operational choices in the short, medium and long term? How do you decide on an investment plan? How can savings be used to best effect? What precise revenues can we count on? What impact will this have on tariffs, and therefore on user bills? How can we adapt our services to the major changes in our boundaries? What financing options are available?

These are just some of the questions that ProsperEau can help answer.

The ProsperEau tool, developed by OiEau with financial support from the French Office for Biodiversity, is presented to you by Xavier Gossens, Project Manager for our association.