National Hydrological Situation Bulletin of 09 December 2022

Published on 12/12/22

On average over France and over the month, rainfall was close to normal.

The dryness of the surface soils, still present until mid-November in Occitania, Aquitaine, the PACA region and Haute-Corse, was reduced at the end of the month following frequent rainy episodes during the second half of the month. However, it persisted from Languedoc-Roussillon to the Alpes-Maritimes and on the Haute-Corse.

Concerning river flows, although the situation has improved locally, particularly in the east of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, nearly 80% of the stations still have low water flows below the median.

On 9 December, 28 departments had implemented measures to restrict water use beyond the vigilance level. For comparison, 1 department was concerned in 2021, 3 departments were concerned in 2020 and 10 departments were concerned in 2019.

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Find all hydrologic situation bulletins

The national hydrological situation bulletin (BSH national) describes the state of water resources on the metropolitan territory of the previous month.

It is the result of collaboration between different data producers and managers:

  • Météo-France for meteorological data (precipitation, soil moisture, snow cover);
  • the basin DREAL1 and the SCHAPI2 for data on river flows and the state of filling of dams (in collaboration with other national players, such as EDF3 , VNF4 and EPTB5 such as Seine Grands Lacs and Loire);
  • BRGM for groundwater levels. These data are produced ten times during the year, which explains their absence from certain bulletins;
  • the French Biodiversity Office (OFB) for observations on low water levels (between June and October).

The bulletin is produced under the aegis of the editorial committee made up of the various contributors to the BSH (data producers and managers), led by the International Office for Water (OiEau), in conjunction with the OFB and the Water and Biodiversity Directorate of the Ministry of Ecological Transition.

1 Direction régionale de l’environnement, de l’aménagement et du logement
2 Service central d’hydrométéorologie et d’appui à la prévision des crues
3 Électricité de France
4 Voies navigables de France
5 Établissement public territorial de bassin

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