Key figures: water withdrawal in France in 2021
For its creation, the International Office for Water placed data management, knowledge enhancement and information systems on water and related subjects at the heart of its expertise for better water management.
In accordance with its statutes and missions, OiEau freely disseminates key figures at French, European and international level, in particular via the french website. These key figures are accompanied by their metadata: source, author, date of update, history, etc.
Today, let's focus on water withdrawal!
To meet the needs of various human uses and activities (drinking water, industrial activities, agriculture, etc.), water is withdrawn from the environment: lake, groundwater, sea, etc. It is important to remember that good management of water abstraction helps to reduce crisis periods and anticipate the effects of climate change.
2021: for what uses is water abstracted in France? How many m3 have been withdrawn? Where does it come from?
Find out in our infographic!