A new intervention country for OiEau: Malawi

Published on 10/12/22

At the end of the 1st edition of the "One Planet Summit" in 2017, the President of the French Republic made a commitment to ensure the development of "100 water and climate projects for Africa" in 5 years.

This initiative was born out of the observation that there is a persistent gap to be filled between potential project leaders, who have difficulty accessing the complexity of "water and climate finance", and donors, who deplore the lack of good projects. Significant financial resources exist, but remain insufficiently mobilised, due to the lack of support for local actors to go through the initial stages of describing a project and formalising a request for financing.

Within this framework, OiEau supports in Malawi the definition of a project co-constructed with the local stakeholders and the Total LandCare association, and supported by the Rhine-Meuse Water Agency.

This project aims to support the strengthening of access to drinking water, the modification of agricultural practices and the adaptation to the effects of climate change in the Mzimba - Rukuru river basin in the north of the country.

A mission is currently on the ground with the aim of guiding the country's public authorities in their search for funding for this project, from a bi- or multilateral donor, from Climate Finance, or otherwise.

* The notion of project incubation implies a twofold mobilisation: that of upstream technical expertise, intended to formalise an idea at the first level in order to transform it into a project, and that of the networks of bilateral or international donors, which have project preparation mechanisms. The initiative aims to provide them with projects so that they can then take over with more precise feasibility studies.